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August Newsletter

Writer's picture: Daniel ZiedinsDaniel Ziedins

❤️ Love on The World Monthly Newsletter

Do Everything In Love. - 1 Corinthians 16:14

August 2023 From: Daniel & Katie

It was a POWERFUL month! Love on Hamilton Worship in the Park (Overflow) Discipleship Bible Studies Eastgate Mall Encounter Waterfront Encounter Fry Truck Encounter Evangelism through TikTok Monthly Support


LOVE ON HAMILTON We had a very busy month for Love on Hamilton! We handed out plenty of food, donations, drinks etc. and got to bless many people downtown and share the good news of Jesus! One testimony that stood out for us this month: These warriors braved the rain tonight and we carried all the food/water in backpacks so we could still serve our homeless friends. We went to Jackson Square and had so many divine appointments!!! One encounter that I thought was divine; was with the security guard who was an older lady. She mentioned she’s been through A LOT in her life and would consider herself agnostic. We got to share our personal life testimonies with her and her heart began to open, just a little. Praying and believing for God to continue to soften her heart I always find it amazing how much God pursues EACH person! He loves each person so much!


Worship in the Park August 27th we had our LAST Overflow Service in Victoria Park! As a group & family, we saw so much fruit from it all (more than we personally ever imagined) around 40 baptisms, many healings, deliverances, salvations and even people receiving powerful visions from the Lord as we worshiped together in unity! So many amazing seeds were sown in that area as well as we often evangelized around Victoria/'VICTORY' Park! And all the impactful services we had leading up to the 'God Heal Our Land' event! We believe the best is still yet to come as we continue to press into God more and more and preach the gospel everywhere we go to reach the lost together!


DISCIPLESHIP Every Wednesday, I do a bible study on Zoom with a group of women - most whom are new to the faith. We had so many great conversations this past month and were able to encourage each other. One girl who's been growing closer to God (but hasn't fully given her life yet) had booked a trip to Zambia to go on a safari. Little did she know, everyone that she was staying with was a born-again Christian! Now she feels even closer to Jesus after seeing how He's pursuing her.


EASTGATE - MALL OUTREACH During the month of August we made it a point to go out 3-4 times per week to evangelize in the mornings. We've been able to plant SO many seeds and see God move in people's lives! One Testimony that stood out (From Daniel): Peter was at a point in his life where his heart was so open to hear the gospel and really needed help as he is searching for an escape from the hurt in life he’s going through with his Wife passing away a few years ago.. we chatted for almost an hour and I got to share the full gospel with him and answer many of his questions, he was in tears many times throughout our chat and you could really see God was working on his heart! Such an amazing divine appointment at the perfect time and place this morning! Excited to connect with him again soon as we exchanged numbers, I pray that Peter will continue to seek after God and know how much he is loved!


WATERFRONT EVANGELISM We've had so many divine encounters by the water -- sharing the gospel with Muslims (seeing foot pain go away), seeing God heal another lady's knee pain, and many receiving a New Testament for the first time! Here's one testimony that stood out: My friend Lindsay and I felt to go to the waterfront this morning to share Jesus and pray with people. Lindsay even got a picture of a girl sitting on a bench, but didn’t think it was for this location. Sure enough, the first thing we do is go to sit on a set of benches to pray together and as we are talking out loud, a girl on the bench next to us shouts over to us “I love what you guys are talking about!!! It’s what I needed to hear” Long story short, our evangelism time was for this one divine encounter. This girl has been coming to the beach at this time for the last three days, and God brought us perfectly there at the right time to meet her We talked for a whole hour, shared the gospel, what it means to be born again and prayed together. We exchanged numbers and she’s joining our bible study tonight!!! Come on!! Thank you Jesus


FRY TRUCK ENCOUNTER Daniel and I randomly last minute went to go to a local fry truck in Grimsby…. These two older ladies also sit down and we end up chatting. When I ask if I can pray for them… the one lady says “I’m going to start crying” Long story short we talked for a good 30 minutes, shared the gospel with them which they were very eager to hear and prayed with them!!! The one lady says she’s been seeking God SO much the last few weeks and she KNOWS that this was God who connected us. Continuing to pray for these ladies and believing they’ll keep seeking and truly give their lives to Jesus!! The only one who can save!!


Having a hard time sharing the gospel with loved ones?

I know how hard it can be to share the gospel with friends & family members (Sometimes it feels easier to share with strangers for myself!). Have you ever thought about just sending them a quick video that explains the gospel? I felt the Lord put it on my heard to start making TikTok videos on salvation / eternity. Feel free to share the video below with someone you know!

Katie Nicolle on TikTok Do you know if you're going to make it into heaven when you die? The bible says we CANNOT make it into heaven by our good works. Only through repentance and faith in what Jesus did on the cross. He lived a PERFECT sinless life that we could never live...


We are still looking for more Monthly partners so we can be completely focused on ministry and plan more outreach events! Please consider partnering with us below for as little as $1/month. If you are already a monthly partner - Thank you SO much! We are so grateful for you and we keep you in our prayers daily.

Daniel & Katie Tax Receipts Are Given! - Thank You For Your Support!

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You Are Loved.

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